Full Stack
Aug 2023 - Nov 2023

Parko - Complete Parking Solution

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Project Overview

Parko is a full-stack project aimed at enhancing the parking experience at UPES. Built with ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, AWS, Docker, and Nginx, Parko provides a modern solution for parking management. The application features real-time parking availability, spot reservation, and navigation functionalities, all accessible through a seamless user interface. Developed from August 2023 to November 2023, Parko represents a practical application of web technologies to address real-world challenges in parking management.

Project Execution

Executed between August 2023 and November 2023, Parko was developed using ReactJS for a responsive front-end, ExpressJS and NodeJS for the backend, and MongoDB for database management. AWS and Docker were utilized for deployment, with Nginx as the web server. The project includes functionalities for checking real-time parking availability, pre-booking spots, and navigating to parking locations. The use of modern technologies ensured a user-friendly experience and efficient parking management. Parko's GitHub repositories are available for review and ongoing updates.


Parko was successful in enhancing parking experience at UPES by providing an intuitive platform for managing parking spaces. The integration of ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, and MongoDB created a robust and responsive application. The deployment on AWS with Docker and Nginx ensured high performance and reliability. The project effectively addressed the need for real-time parking management and spot reservation. The source code and documentation are accessible in the GitHub repository

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